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[Celica Generations & Tech. info]

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For Technical Articles that are generic or apply to multiple Celica generations
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(Old School groove...) From the Classic 70's First generation Celicas right through to the 80's 3rd generation model, You can find relevant discussion topics relating to these models right here.
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Re: Engine harness..
2024/07/15 09:10:49
For all your information and posts regarding Fourth Generation Celicas (1986-1989) please visit this section where you will find most of the related content
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Re: st162..
2020/11/14 11:44:06
For all your information and posts regarding Fifth Generation Celicas (1989-1993) please visit this section where you will find most of the related content
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For all your information and posts regarding Sixth Generation Celicas (1993-1999) please visit this section where you will find most of the related content
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For all your information and posts regarding the Seventh Generation Celicas (1999-2005) please visit this section where you will find most of the related content on the current generation Celica.
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