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Sunroof issues NEED HELP

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2018/08/25 17:06:25 (permalink)

Sunroof issues NEED HELP

I have got a 1982 ra60 celica (RHD) and I’m having some issues with the sunroof as in... it doesn’t work . I’m trying to locate the fuse for the sunroof or the Location of the sunroof motor with the possibility the fuse being with it, I know it’s a stupid question but I don’t want to go ripping the roof off without being certain and would prefer not to! I have manuals and workshop books but following the directions takes me nowhere !
Is anyone here able to give me some help !? Much appreciated !

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    Re: Sunroof issues NEED HELP 2018/08/25 18:48:21 (permalink)
    I have a RA60 though it doesn't have a sunroof. Sorry that I can't help.

    Mr Glengineering
    Time attack MR2 and ST205 Celica road beast.
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    Re: Sunroof issues NEED HELP 2018/08/26 10:27:12 (permalink)
    No worries mate . Another question I had would a blocked pickup filter in the fuel tank cause a airlock in the fuel tank?

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    Re: Sunroof issues NEED HELP 2018/08/26 19:02:52 (permalink)
    Possibly. If you are having fuel issues, it would be best to take the pickup out and have a look.
    I had to replace my fuel pump a while ago, so you should probably change yours too. It is bolted to the top and front of the engine, so it is easy to get to.

    Mr Glengineering
    Time attack MR2 and ST205 Celica road beast.
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    Re: Sunroof issues NEED HELP 2018/08/28 12:53:15 (permalink)
    Yeah I plan to I cleaned my pickup filter wich was very blocked was just wondering if a blocked pickup filter could cause the airlock
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