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A very strange problem with my ST205 GT4

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2018/04/28 09:45:40 (permalink)

A very strange problem with my ST205 GT4

I have experienced a very strange problem with my ST205 GT4 and thought I would share it with you all to see if any of you have any ideas.
I used to have the boost set to 18-19psi, and everything worked well. It pulled hard, and I was generally pretty happy with it.
I can't remember exactly when, though I realised a couple of years ago that I wasn't generating much boost. I did a lot of fault finding changes, including changing the manifold and turbo gaskets, fitting a different wastegate actuator, adjusting the boost controller, do a pressure test etc, and it still wouldn't generate more than 13psi of boost.
I even disconnected the wastegate actuator completely, and it still would only run up to 13psi. There were definitely no leaks, as I used a proper leak tester.
A couple of weeks ago, I drove the car, and gave it a good squirt, and the boost controller flashed red, which means that it got up to the boost warning limit that is set, which is 20psi. I thought "what the fcuk?!"
The car is now boosting consistently to 18-19psi without me making any changes at all.
The only thing that I can think of is that the wastegate flapper wasn't closing properly before, and now it is. 
Do any of you have any other theories?

Mr Glengineering
Time attack MR2 and ST205 Celica road beast.

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