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1992 Celica for sale - Hunter Valley

cursed celica
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2018/02/08 18:28:29 (permalink)

1992 Celica for sale - Hunter Valley

I'm trying to find a buyer for my son's car it's a Celica 2.2litre 1992. My son purchased it with a blown motor as a project, the motor has been changed its up and running no rego.
My son has autism his had his L's for 2 years and scared police will pull him over being a sports car with grunt. He is very proud of getting it working but needs to sell it due to it's speed scares him. My son is asking $1,000 in his words 'its to good to wreck'.
Would anybody be able to steer me in the right direction to help move this car on to someone who will appreciate it.
We are located in the Hunter Valley.
post edited by cursed celica - 2018/02/09 11:06:51

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    Re: 1992 Celica for sale - Hunter Valley 2018/02/08 18:29:24 (permalink)
    +1 (1)
    I'll share this in other places too so you can get a bigger audience.

    Mr Glengineering
    Time attack MR2 and ST205 Celica road beast.
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    Re: 1992 Celica for sale - Hunter Valley 2018/02/08 18:36:04 (permalink)
    +1 (1)
    Please post some photos. Thanks

    Mr Glengineering
    Time attack MR2 and ST205 Celica road beast.

    Red P-Plater
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    Re: 1992 Celica for sale - Hunter Valley 2018/02/08 19:57:30 (permalink)
    +1 (1)
    hi,would appreciate some pics sent via phone if possible,0431464754
    cursed celica
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    Re: 1992 Celica for sale - Hunter Valley 2018/02/09 10:48:36 (permalink)

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