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1993 Celica Convertible for sale

Sharon Jacobson
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2016/09/09 12:49:12 (permalink)

1993 Celica Convertible for sale

I have a 1993 Celica Convertible for sale. This model never released in Australia, a "grey import".
192,000 km, new low profile tyres runs well. If anyone is interested please respond for further details.

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    Re: 1993 Celica Convertible for sale 2016/09/10 13:14:35 (permalink)
    Do you have any photos? How much do you want for it?

    Mr Glengineering
    Time attack MR2 and ST205 Celica road beast.
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    Re: 1993 Celica Convertible for sale 2020/11/08 15:05:42 (permalink)
    where are you located, and do you have any photos?

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